For the past 5 months, we’ve been working tirelessly to make sure this year’s festival is the best yet. From adding additional tickets, such as a self-rescue course, to finding the tastiest food for Saturday night. We were so psyched to start sharing our plans with you.
However, a major challenge this year has been festival insurance. Despite having had insurance for three years, alongside rigorous safety procedures and policies in place, no company felt they could cover the festival. Going ahead without insurance was not an option.
Still struggling mid-April, the BMC stepped in. Determined to see Women’s Trad Festival continue, they have worked tirelessly with us to ensure the festival is covered. After weeks of work, we are nearly there and are just finalising the documentation. It has taken longer than we thought to do this and we are very grateful for their continued support.
Then, less than a week before planned ticket sales, we had some more bad news. Our agreed venue for the festival had had a change in circumstances and could no longer accommodate us.
With a delay on insurance and suddenly no venue, we called a meeting. Our agenda was simple - ‘Do we need to cancel the festival’. After all our hard work we didn’t want to do this, and more importantly, we didn’t think you would want us to do this.
So where does that leave us?
Ticket sales will not be on sale on the 15th May. They will be on sale as soon as possible.
We’re speaking to a lot of venues and have a number of options. We just want to ensure they meet our high standards and requirements. All of this means that the ticket price will be higher than last year. We do not have an exact price yet, however, we know they will significantly more than last year and over £100. There are still lots of awesome things to look forward to. For more information visit our brand new website (yes we’ve redesigned and built that too in our spare time!)
We’re nearly there - bear with us. We will be open and transparent and keep you in the loop. This is your festival as much as ours and we are very busy working to make sure it can go ahead.
Thank you for being such a strong and supportive community - it is your enthusiasm that has kept us afloat during many hard moments.